From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 19:51:11 BST
Hi all,
According to the MOQ, does math exist at the bio level? I suggest
that math came about when someone put an apple on a table and said
"This represents ONEness. Then placed another apple on the table and
said "This is TWOness." Then a peach and an orange were placed
together on the table, and someone said "These also represent
TWOness; TWOness is what these have in common with these", pointing
to the pair of apples. Etc...
I suggest "race" comes about in the same way. A person takes a
particular set of human alleles together and says "This represents an
African." A different set is pointed out, and called "Caucasian." A
third set represents an "Aborigine."
I think these distinctions are abitrary human distinctions that have
no meaning at the bio level, just as math has no meaning there.
These are human conventions. Just imagine the bio level BEFORE the
human social level was laid upon it. Did race exist then?
Anyway, why doesn't someone just email Pirsig and ask him?
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