Re: MD Notes on Beauty, Art and DQ

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Jun 30 2004 - 17:17:14 BST

  • Next message: Chuck Roghair: "RE: MD Notes on Beauty, Art and DQ"

    Hi All,

    More notes on art, beauty and DQ:

    Beauty, like life, is neither true nor false, but good.

    What is most important about a work of art is what cannot be said about

    In creating art, one is free. Just look at a child paint.

    Beauty is one value that strikes the senses directly.

    Science, law, medicine, philosophy, all noble pursuits. But poetry, that's
    what we live for.

    In evaluating art, everyone is free.

    Great art frees one from the tyranny of the separate self sense.

    Art is like the present moment, always constant but new for each viewer.

    Beauty is an intuitive, not an intellectual concept.

    Art can change the context, the field against which you perceive.

    The most beautiful is the most real. Light, love, laughter, music, dance.

    Beauty makes sadness bearable.

    Great art offers a picture whose meaning is as obvious as it is

    If scientific materialism has an Achilles heal, the mystery of beauty is

    One doesn't understand art any more than one understands the song of a

    Beauty makes a direct connection to Dynamic Quality.


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