Re: MD Rush Limbaugh and Intellectual Quality.

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Jul 10 2004 - 16:47:09 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    From msh:

    > Dear Dan,
    > Please contemplate the following assertion:
    > "Rush Limbaugh displays higher intellectual Quality than Noam Chomsky."
    > 1. Would you agree that any individual holding this view is arguably not
    > evincing an adequate appreciation of what the MOQ would suggest
    > intellectual Quality to be?
    > 2. If one adds to the above assertion a further assertion claiming the
    > works of Noam Chomsky to be unworthy of intellectual investigation, would
    > you agree that it is arguably fair to complain that some time should have
    > been spent reading Chomsky before making the first assertion, it being
    > understood that no works had been at all read?
    > 3. Further to 1 and 2, is it not unreasonable to suggest that the
    > individual in question has adopted, and is currently employing an open
    > strategy of avoiding challenging material, and is thus exhibiting a
    > disregard for intellectual Quality while perversely claiming to uphold
    > intellectual Quality?

    Note the premises in the above:

    If you don't agree with Chomsky you are not worthy of being admitted to
    the intellectual level and do not uphold intellectual Quality.

    If you agree with Rush Limbaugh you are not worthy of being admitted to
    the intellectual level and do not uphold intellectual Quality.

    If you avoid reading approved "challenging material" you are not worthy of
    being admitted to the intellectual level and do not uphold intellectual

    Compare this to Pirsig's premise:

    "In Lila I never defined the intellectual level of the MOQ since everyone
    who is up to reading Lila already knows what "intellectual" means." (LC,


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