From: Dan Glover (
Date: Sat Jul 10 2004 - 20:48:17 BST
Hello everyone
>Subject: MD Rush Limbaugh and Intellectual Quality.
>Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 10:45:13 EDT
>On 10 Jul 2004 at 2:02, Dan Glover wrote:
> >
> > Hi Arlo
> >
> > Rather than complaining that others aren't reading your posts,
> > perhaps you should spend a little more time digesting the posts
> > yourself.
>Dear Dan,
>Please contemplate the following assertion:
>"Rush Limbaugh displays higher intellectual Quality than Noam Chomsky."
Hi Mark
I've never heard Rush Limbaugh speak nor have I read his work. It's not that
I believe it has no merit but rather I just don't have time to read
everything. Media-wise, I don't own a tv and I only listen to Cubs games and
alternative rock on the radio. I dislike talk shows intensely, almost as
much as Internet chat rooms.
Noam Chomsky on the other hand I'm quite familiar with though I tend to
gravitate more towards his linguistic work rather than his polictical.
>1. Would you agree that any individual holding this view is arguably not
>evincing an adequate appreciation of what the MOQ would suggest
>Quality to be?
I don't think I'm qualified to answer due to my unfamiliarity with Limbaugh.
>2. If one adds to the above assertion a further assertion claiming the
>of Noam Chomsky to be unworthy of intellectual investigation, would you
>that it is arguably fair to complain that some time should have been spent
>reading Chomsky before making the first assertion, it being understood that
>works had been at all read?
See my answer to #1.
>3. Further to 1 and 2, is it not unreasonable to suggest that the
>in question has adopted, and is currently employing an open strategy of
>avoiding challenging material, and is thus exhibiting a disregard for
>Quality while perversely claiming to uphold intellectual Quality?
See my answer to #1.
Thank you for your comments,
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