Re: MD the metaphysics of freedom

From: Dan Glover (
Date: Sat Jul 17 2004 - 07:36:28 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD Death of god"

    Hello everyone

    >Subject: Re: MD the metaphysics of freedom
    >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 21:15:06 EDT
    >In a message dated 7/16/04 9:21:38 PM GMT Daylight Time,
    > writes:
    > > Personal freedom is my ability to participate in Flow activities of my
    > > >choosing
    > > >for the greatest amount of time, all the while not prohibiting or
    >making it
    > > >otherwise restrictive on others from participating in Flow activities
    > > >their
    > > >choosing.
    > >
    >Arlo and Dan,
    >Arlo's terms, 'personal' 'my' and 'others' are rooted in SOM.
    >Dan's phrase, 'metaphysics of freedom' is confusing; The Metaphysics Of
    >Quality already provides arguably the best description of patterned freedom
    >is: coherence.

    Hi Mark

    The change of phrase was merely to start a different thread. It was meant to
    have no meaning other than just that. How could that be confusing? It was
    meant to REDUCE confusion in case anyone cared to respond.

    I know you've been asked this before and I already know the answer but
    still, I can't help asking it again: if you don't mind, please point out to
    me where the term "coherence" occurs in Robert Pirsig's writings. Perhaps
    then the rest of your post will make a little more sense.

    >Coherence specifically concerns and takes into account the MOQ's four
    >of evolution, and may therefore avoid the terms, 'personal' 'my' and
    >if carefully applied. The individual is simply a coherent state dominated
    >various stages by one or more levels.

    This seems rather silly to me, no more than conjecture.

    >Coherence is closer to the code of art in that it allows maximum freedom
    >within patterns and minimum patterned relationships.

    Um, what? and where?

    >It may be argued that each person, as Arlo suggests, will value a coherent
    >state dominated by particular level(s) depending on the fluctuations of
    >desire, social expectation and intellectual value. Dan wishes to morally
    >the Intellectually dominated - fair but impractical - in the real world
    >people value biological and social patterns over intellectual patterns.
    >It has often been noted that the older one becomes the more Conservative
    >becomes. The MOQ would describe this as an accumulation of static patterns
    >which close off Dynamic influence. Platt Holden is an ugly example of this
    >action. Utterly repulsive.
    >Coherence, on the other hand, may increase AND remain open to Dynamic
    >influence because static patterns are held in 'purposeless tension' or
    >sq-sq tension.
    >I feel Pirsig himself is a beautiful example of this; although well into
    >70's he remains fresh and invigorating.
    >For a few, intense coherence totally removes concern about freedom. After
    >all, as Dan quotes Pirsig, "If you’re not suffering from anything
    >there’s no
    >need to be free."

    I'm sorry Mark but I just can't make a lot of sense out of this entire post,
    excepting the last sentence. You're not talking the MOQ here. You're talking
    about some kind of a personal "improvement" in the MOQ, I suppose, but it
    seems much too complicated to me and I'm fearful of getting lost. If it
    makes sense to you, fine, but I think I'll just stick to the map.

    Thank you for your comments,


    PS I did like your "Coherence and Rhetoric" post.

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