RE: MD the LAW

From: Erin N. (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 03:01:54 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Logic vs. reason"

    >Hey Rick,
    That jolly ole' England story was interesting. Thanks.
    I heard from a friend in South Dakota that it is being
    argued as a breakdown of the system so I didn't think
    it would pass.
    I thought that this could really end up a
    scary mess. I didn't like leaving the law to a jury but
    I did like the idea of a right to question the validity of
    a law. I am not sure if its a joke or urban legend
     but did you hear about the motorcyle helmet guy:
    He was wearing his helmet on his knee. The cop stops him
    and tells him its the law to wear the helmet. He tells
    him I am wearing it, on my knee. He gives him a ticket.
    The guys puts the helmet on his head and when he rides away
    he gets into an accident and breaks his knee.
    I kind of thought it would be good if somepeople could
    declare they were guilty of a no helmet but thought the
    law was unfair.
    But yeah I can see how it could turn into a real mess.
    The idea of his solution did scare me but I still kind of
    agree about the problem.
    I posted rest of the article because it did mention some
    of the things you said.
    RICK : If a defendant feels the law shouldn't cover his actions, he
    >can challenge the law in any number of forums on any number of grounds. If
    >he feels the sentence was too harsh, he can challenge it as cruel and
    >unusual, or challenge the sentencing laws themselves. If he thinks the law
    >should be changed he can petition his congressman or even run for office

    ERIN: i agree with everything else you had said but this
    doesn't do it for me. If you don't want to wear a helmet
    run for congress? Come on.

    RICK: Newland's ideas are colossally stupid because he ignores the reality
    >that even if they passed, there's absolutely no guaruntee they would ever
    >work for those who truly need them. Vicious murderers, rapists and thugs
    >might be able to convince a jury to 'nullify' or declare the law 'stupid'
    >while poor potheads and little girls standing up to bullies might just get a
    >harder headed jury. It would really just depend on the disposition of
    >whatever 12 people happened to be sitting in the jury box on that particular
    ERIN: I don't know if they would go far as you say here but I
    guess it wouldn't be good to even give them the chance I completely agree with
    you fear of leaving the law to
    the jury and in some ways it already is--

    The article pointed it out here:
    In the mid-19th century, Northern juries often refused to convict men and
    women who harbored runaway slaves. Later, Southern juries sometimes refused to
    convict those who lynched blacks or prevented them from voting.

    It's probably because I don't know a lot about the law
    like you but it still seems like he has a point about
    America becoming like a police state...but yes the solution
    he offers has scary possibilites.

    Thanks for the legal advice. I hope i am not being billed for it because you
    guys way overcharge :-P


    Here is the rest of the article if you are interested!

    In short, it would allow a defendant to argue that, although he broke the law,
    he does not deserve to be prosecuted. "You should be allowed to tell a jury:
    'Yes, I committed these actions, but ... this is a stupid law,' " Newland

    Opponents—including virtually all the state's legal establishment—contend that
    Amendment A will make a mockery of due process, equal protection and democracy

    It's dangerous, they argue, to allow 12 randomly selected citizens to nullify
    laws that elected officials have enacted. They warn of courtrooms turning into
    "popularity contests," where sympathetic defendants get off because they
    convince jurors that the rules should not apply to them.

    They point out too that because prosecutors cannot appeal acquittals, there is
    no mechanism for reviewing or overturning verdicts based on sentiment rather
    than law.

    "It will become a lawless society," said Mike Moore, a prosecutor in Huron.

    "Anytime a law is not going to be applied across the board, that's
    frightening," said Jeff Larson, a public defender in Sioux Falls.

    The California Supreme Court made just such an argument last year in rejecting
    the principle of jury nullification. The court unanimously held that a juror
    who said he could not convict as a matter of conscience—he disagreed with the
    statutory rape law at issue in the case—should be removed from the panel. The
    U.S. Supreme Court also has discouraged nullification, as have judges in state
    courts nationwide.

    In South Dakota, it's hard to gauge voter support for Amendment A, as there
    has been no statewide polling on the issue.

    To get it on the ballot, proponents collected 34,000 signatures, representing
    about 8% of the registered voters in this sparsely populated state. They have
    been handing out balloons and brochures at fairs, festivals and forums across
    South Dakota.

    They also launched a contest for the "best courtroom horror story," promising
    more than $4,000 in prizes. Newland said he has received at least 80 entries
    so far—and while all the contestants support his proposed reforms, not all
    will be able to vote for Amendment A. A number sent in their stories from the
    state penitentiary.

    Opponents, meanwhile, have been afraid to do much public campaigning. Lawyers
    have debated the amendment at forums across the state—including one here last
    week at the University of South Dakota law school. They worry that advertising
    might backfire. Voters tend to be suspicious of attorneys—so they might reason
    that if the state bar opposes Amendment A, it must be good.

    "There's a tremendous amount of fear in the legal community," Larson said.

    Amendment A represents a new tactic in the long history of jury nullification

    For the last 13 years, a group called the Fully Informed Jury Assn. has been
    peddling the concept to politicians, lobbying for legislation in Oklahoma,
    Arizona, Montana and elsewhere. That hasn't worked. So the group's founder,
    Larry Dodge, decided to go directly to the voters. Newland agreed to sponsor
    the fight in South Dakota, and the two raised $100,000 to get the issue on the
    ballot. If it works, both men are eager to try the approach elsewhere.

    "This is the key to getting control of the government back in the hands of the
    citizens," said Dodge, a photographer.

    Both sides in the campaign agree that juries do sometimes ignore the law—and
    will continue to do so with or without Amendment A.

    A famous case of jury nullification took place nearly 270 years ago, when
    publisher John Peter Zenger was accused of printing "seditious libel" against
    the colonial governor of New York. His newspaper articles were, in fact,
    seditious by the standards of the time—but they were accurate, and a jury
    acquitted Zenger, helping establish the principle of a free press.

    In the mid-19th century, Northern juries often refused to convict men and
    women who harbored runaway slaves. Later, Southern juries sometimes refused to
    convict those who lynched blacks or prevented them from voting.

    More recently, former federal prosecutor Paul Butler noticed that jurors in
    Washington, D.C.—most of them black—were refusing to convict black defendants
    on minor drug charges, even when the evidence was overwhelming. The experience
    pushed him to study nullification—and he now supports initiatives such as
    Amendment A.

    "If 12 citizens are saying that a certain law is being unfairly applied, then
    I trust that judgment," said Butler, now a law professor at George Washington
    University. "This is why juries were established. We wanted human beings to
    bring their judgment to these situations."

    Andrew Liepold, a law professor at the University of Illinois, disagrees. He
    has studied jury nullification too. His conclusion: Just because jurors
    sometimes ignore the law does not mean they should be encouraged to do so.

    "Trials aren't designed to make policy judgments," he said.

    Folks who don't like a law, he added, should work through the political
    process to change it.

    That's not good enough for Jason Koistinen, 23, a first-year law student at
    the University of South Dakota. "It takes too long," he said, declaring his
    intention to vote for Amendment A. "Also, a lot of the legislators are old and
    conservative. They don't necessarily reflect the views of the voters."

    Both sides in the debate agree on one point: With or without Amendment A,
    justice is at times arbitrary—and at times, elusive. The question is whether
    the measure will make the system work better or worse.

    "People get wrongly convicted based on false identifications, on dishonest
    testimony, on incomplete evidence," said Mike Butler, an attorney in Sioux
    Falls. "This amendment does not do anything to correct those injustices."

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