RE: MD Logic vs. reason

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 05:02:52 GMT

  • Next message: Erin N.: "RE: MD focus forum starter"


    I'm thankful that the MoQ doesn't shrink from identifying and
    condemning evil biological behavior.

    Again you oversimplify. No one is questioning whether it's moral to
    defend society from terrorism. That seems fairly plain. ...
    I'm expecting your usual appeal to "moral ruthlessness", but I don't
    think Pirsig would advocate killing the infected patients to destroy the

    I'd also object to Platt's take. Biological crime isn't the only kind. Its
    no good to simply label every one a bug and the repeated use of the word
    "ruthlessness" strikes me as a little blood-thirsty. In any case, at the
    risk of over-simplifying, it seems to me that the essence of the situation
    was a clash of soldiers. Sure, its illegal and immoral to kidnap civilians
    and hold them hostage. No doubt about it. In that sense, the (sp?)Chechans
    are criminals and terrorists. But this is no vice crime. This is not in the
    same class as rape, robbery or shooting up. They're acting on behalf of a
    people who are at war with Russia. This is social level stuff, even if it is
    also criminal. Their political aspirations may or may not be based upon
    intellectual principles, in either case the main values involved were
    clearly military and political. And in spite of the criminal behavior of
    these particular hostage takers, I'm not so sure the cause they represent is
    unjust. I don't know the scoop about that one, but one guy's revolutionary
    is another's terrorist. One man's freedom fighter is another's death squad
    member. (apologies to the ladies) Sometimes its hard to tell even when we
    have all the facts.

    "This Zuni Indian was not exactly someone else. This was not just an
    isolated tribal incident going on here. This was something of universal
    importance happening. This was EVERYMAN. There is not a person alive who is
    not in some way or other in the kind of situation this "witch" was in. It
    was just that his circumstances were so exotic and so extreme one could now
    see it, by itself, out in the open. The story was of a struggle between good
    and evil, but the koan it raised was, "Which was which?" Was this person
    really good of was he perhaps evil too?" Pirsig (page 111)


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