From: Patrick van den Berg (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 10:51:03 GMT
> >The format is simple. We focus on a
> >passage from the book. The only requirement is that we focus on the
> passage.
> >As long as it addresses the meaning of the words in some way,
> anything is
> >game. That's all there is to it. There is no specific question posed.
> Or
> >rather, its like the question will always be, "what does this mean?"
> No
> >matter what the passage, the task is always the same; explore its
> meaning.
Very good idea! I appreciate your initiative.
> >What's it all about? (chapter 9)
> >
> >"When Phaedrus first read this passage he felt a kind of eerie
> feeling - a
> >feeling he might have had if he had passed in front of a strange
> mirror and
> >suddenly seen a reflection of someone he'd never expected to see. It
> was the
> >same feeling he got at the peyote meeting. This Zuni Indian was not
> exactly
> >someone else.>This was not just an isolated tribal incident going on
> here.
> This was>something of universal importance happening. This was
> is not >a person alive who is not in some way or other in the kind of
> situation this >"witch" was in. It was just that his circumstances
> were so
> exotic and so
> >extreme one could now see it, by itself, out in the open."
> >
To me this passage points to one of the consequenses of Pirsig's MoQ. We
are not in the ultimate sense an subject that has only secondary
relations with some disconnected, 'objective' world. Our 'dialogue' with
the world and other people make us what we are. We meet ourselves in
others, even or precisely when these others are so 'exotic'.
> I remember somebody talking about how Lila was a deconstruction
> of the metanarrative of America. It seems to me like Pirsig is playing
> with
> that whole Cowboy /Indian dichotomy.
I'd say it's about I/everybody else. The cowboy/ Indian dichotomy is
just one (important) example.
Greetings, Patrick.
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