From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 16:46:53 GMT
Peter, erin, Bo?, all,
I've deleted the starter for this thread, but I believe the question was
whether or not static quality can be considered to reside in dynamic quality
or are static and dynamic quality parts of Quality.
>> If I am remembering correctly Bo had given a metaphor of
>> it being the ocean and sq being the waves.
>> This makes sense to me.
Erin said:
Is the ģit" that is "being the oceanē Quality or Dynamic Quality?
I think I remember a train metaphor used to describe DQ as the leading edge
of experience. In the ocean metaphor, the waves are the edge of the ocean.
These metaphors are probably tricky.
Either way you slice it, it seems to me that dynamic and static quality are
mutually exclusive, but I'd be interested to hear what others may have to
say. I've been wrong before...
Peter, Sorry I haven't gotten back to you on this until now. I was busy
with a different thread.
Whether you want think of static quality as living inside dynamic quality or
as mutually exclusive aspects of Quality, I think that the tradition of
pantheism is about worshipping the static patterns rather than the source of
all patterns which also contains all patterns.
I think panentheism better describes your conception of God, though which
label you choose to use will probably matter little. So, go ahead and call
yourself a pantheist if you want, but I think that your definition of
pantheism as "Dynamic Quality is God" is inconsistent with the traditional
conception of "every'thing' is God" which limits God to the sum total of
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