Re: MD levels

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 22:27:34 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Individuality"

    Dear Joe,

    You complimented me 7/11 11:59 -0800 wrongly with my 'scholarship and
    memory'. You're mainly observing the memory of my PC and the searching
    facilities of Outlook Express.

    You wrote:
    'when you apply words like 'value of their versatility/adaptability,'
    'different amounts' to Dynamic Quality. Do you statically categorize DQ? Is
    it removed from instinctive experience?'

    I guess you mean 'pre-intellectual' -the word Pirsig used- with
    No, I only (intellectually) categorize static patterns of values. I
    experience value/Quality. That which I cannot categorize I call DQ. I can't
    categorize it further than that, because it is not recognizably patterned.
    Pirsig's metaphor for DQ, 'the cutting edge of experience' strikes a chord
    with me. Intellectually or otherwise, I don't know; in other words I don't
    really know how to categorize the patterns of values represented by
    metaphors and paradoxes. I try to get closer to grasping DQ by categorizing
    static patterns of values that have newly emerged (just behind that 'cutting
    I experience DQ (uncategorizable experience) more often when newly emerging
    patterns are newer (if they are even after some consideration really not
    comparable to existing patterns of values) and when the pattern of values
    that dissolves or is weakened in the process is from a higher level in
    Pirsig's categorization.

    You wrote:
    'Would you say that the metaphor "conscious motivation/justification of
    actions in a way that is acceptable to others" has some of the meaning of
    the metaphor "packaging?"'

    I am afraid that the metaphor 'packaging' has too little meaning for me to
    compare them. This is probably due to a second, not literal meaning, to the
    verb 'to package' which -not having English as mother tongue- largely eludes
    me. (I have looked up the original posting of Maggie of 28/8 16:08 -0400, in
    which she introduced the metaphor, and I have looked up the word in my
    dictionary, but neither was much help.)

    With friendly greetings,


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