RE: Objectivity (RE: MD Individuality)

From: Trivik Bhavneni (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 15:12:16 GMT

  • Next message: The Pantophobic: "RE: Objectivity (RE: MD Individuality)"

    > Seems like you're making a lot of absolute statements
    it may look like that, but i was trying to show what someone else
    stated on this fouroum, i.e. that you cannot say that quality is absolute,
    or not-absolute, or neiher. It's simply incoherent.
    yes i geleive that the most important things cannot be said, (and so
    cannot have static latches) but merely shown (refering to dq)

    > Also, what's with no capital letters in your posts?
    didn't notice, though the spellings would be courtasy my dislexia (i'd
    blame lazzyness)

    > Some sort of protest against correct English?
    read (it's only a few lines long)
    it's by William James Sidis the 'genius' prisig talks about in Lila

    > Is this what they're teaching these days at UPenn?
    not only do i not let school interfeer with my education, but make it have
    as little to do with it as circustances alow, so no need to go and make

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