RE: Objectivity (RE: MD Individuality)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 12:56:08 GMT

  • Next message: Trivik Bhavneni: "RE: Objectivity (RE: MD Individuality)"

    Hi Trivik:

    > say we had 5 coins in frount of us.
    > the number of coins is absolute, i.e. unchangeing - 5
    > now say the number of coins abruptly changes to 10
    > the number was not absolute.
    > but you may say that then what was absolute that coins were in frount of
    > us.
    > say we look again and find 10 lemons instead
    > eer...oops - seams that what was unchangeing was that there were physical
    > objects in frount of us.
    > say i look again - and there is no physical object, but only a trio of
    > emotions - whatever that means.
    > whatever it is that remains constant, i.e. is absolute - say the fact that
    > there is. call it quality. there is quality. you can not use a word like
    > absolute for quality.
    > they mean the samething - which is miis leading
    Huh? Would you run that by us again. Seems like you're making a lot of
    absolute statements, like "You cannot use a word like absolute for

    Also, what's with no capital letters in your posts? Some sort of protest
    against correct English? Is this what they're teaching these days at



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