Re: MD Contradiction?

From: Mari (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 12:43:51 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Contradiction?"

    Rick wrote:

    > Hey Platt, David and Maggie,
    > Thanks for the input everyone. I wrote a response to David and Maggie's
    > posts and have sent it out twice but it hasn't shown up on the list or
    > bounced back to me yet

    Platt wrote:

    Hi Mari:

    Congratulations. You are now officially in the pool. You even got a
    couple of responses to your first post, and probably more to come.

    Mari says:

           i saw my own post ( in outlook express ) post with-in minutes of when
    i sent it. But i do not see any responses to it, my first MoQ contribution.
    It's been mentioned more than once that some posts do not make it to their
    final destination; at least in some cases. Has anyone else experienced this?

          There are a few thoughts i would like to throw into the mix here as
    well as a few questions about a variety of things including individual
    members experiences not just what they think. Is that acceptable here in
    group discussion?
    Is an MoQ Glossary possible....perhaps a dynamic glossary, one with *'s for
    those members who have something to add/subtract from the definition if need


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