Re: MD good conversations

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 09:58:07 GMT

  • Next message: Trivik Bhavneni: "Re: MD good conversations"

    Hi Mari,

    I agree with David about what makes a good conversation, although
    temperamentally I think I'm less inclined to be passionate (unless pushed!).
    But one comment on my post to David: my question "Are you really arguing
    that Lila is not a person?" was indeed rhetorical as David describes. I was
    trying to flag up (what I saw as) a logical consequence of his argument,
    fairly confident that he wouldn't actually argue for it, and to hopefully,
    therefore, help(?) him see that there was something strange going on with
    his fundamental assumptions (I think his logical reasoning is fine, it's the
    original premises that I disagree with). So it was a particular type of
    'reductio ad absurdum' argument.

    Oh yes, one other thing: there aren't that many '4th level wise' around in
    the world, let alone on this forum! But as you'll discover, I don't think
    'truth' works as a fourth level filter - for on my understanding truth is
    not the same as wisdom. Hey ho.


    "Ask yourselves when are we going to see the first journal of bio-hacking
    oriented toward teenage males, so they can create molecules in their
    bedroom. Well, that journal came out in 1998. Be very afraid." (Bill Joy)

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