From: Erin N. (
Date: Sun Dec 08 2002 - 17:02:28 GMT
>>Well I put it as acausal because something way
>>out there in the universe is supposedly affecting
>>my behavior. Acausality is not the opposite of causality.
>Didn't you just get through saying that you agreed with my defn
>of acausal:
>"Two events are said to be acausal if they are related, but not
>Now you are saying that acausal events are causal afterall (by
>something out there that is, err, affecting behavior). Which is
Well I guess in my mind the opposite of causal
would be chance no--no relationship.
Acausal there is a connection, relationsip but
its not A -B causality.
The idea of acausality is the interconnectedness
of everything.
Lots of things affecting behavior.
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