RE: MD The Populist Persuasion

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 01:01:26 GMT

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD acausal"

    Erin, Mari,

    Mari said:
    Studying art history doesn't necessarily make an artist a better artist.

    Erin said:
    I was thinking along the same lines. I think you can study art history as
    a "historian" and as an "artist". You can also study philosophy as a
    "historian" or a philosopher.

    I entirely agree on both counts. Studying the history of a subject doesn't
    necessarily make for a better artist. I can't draw worth a damn and it
    doesn't matter how much art history I read: I will never get better.
    (Seriously, I don't think practicing helps. I think its a genetic defect
    or something. If anyone wants an example of the greatest art that I can
    produce, then I would reference you to my essay
    "Phenomenological-Existentialism..." in the Forum where Demostration Stick
    Man represents the highest of my artistic achievements.)

    Erin's point about studying philosophy as a historian (which is what an
    intellectual historian does) or as a philosopher is dead on. Its partly
    why I find the distinction between philosophology and philosophy to be
    bogus. I think Pirsig felt that there was something amiss in the
    Universities, but I don't think he put his finger on it. I think Rorty is
    closer to the mark when he describes his experience with two of his
    professors: Carnap and McKeon (Pirsig's "Chairman"). McKeon was centered
    on the history of philosophy, Plato through Hegel and beyond. Carnap was
    centered on recent philosophy, specifically recent publications in analytic
    philosophy. The distinction is essentially that between those who think
    philosophy is about reading and reflecting and those who think philosophy
    should be positivistic, leading up towards the truth. If philosophy is
    about reading, then its possible to enjoy just about anybody. If
    philosophy is positivistic, then there's no need to waste time on the
    history of philosophy because there are important philosophical discoveries
    to made.


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