From: Rudy (
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 20:57:37 GMT

  • Next message: john williams: "Re: MD Re: MOQ FOR DUMMIES, Please"

    To All,

    Greetings once more from New Jersey. Thanks to
    everyone for your interesting comments. I'm going to
    ponder them for a bit, although I may return from
    Lurkersville later on with some questions. For now,
    though, I would simply suggest that you more closely
    consider the application and extension of Pirsig's
    ideas to practical issues, e.g. specific current
    issues relating to legislation, court decisions, law
    enforcement, prisons, medical issues and decisions,
    tribalism vs. one-worldism, poverty, spiritual
    longings, racial prejudice, Al Qaeda, capitalism,
    personal freedoms in times of terrorism, parenting,
    government clean-air regulations, the social effects
    of technology, inequalities in income distribution,
    school vouchers, etc. (If you're stuck for ideas, just
    get out a copy of a newspaper or Time mag and randomly
    pick out some articles). Pirsig seemed to go out of
    his way in his books to exemplify his theories based
    on real world issues and situations. I myself feel
    that his "latches" were a bit loose in many instances,
    which is to say that I feel that his MOQ paradigms are
    not yet robust enough to be presented to society as
    the recommended basis for thinking, acting and
    governing. Thus I am not surprised that over the past
    decade, Pirsig's ideas have not had a lasting effect
    on academia, education, government, the courts, the
    media, the social sciences or anywhere else. But I
    suspect that they represent a valuable step in the
    right direction, and thus should not be lost. IMHO,
    something more is needed by western society, given my
    belief that our basic social presumptions have not
    kept up with the effects of rapid technological and
    economic change ("Future Shock" and all that).

    If you good people see yourselves as the keepers of
    the flame that Mr. Pirsig lit, and if you agree that
    his ideas must continue to evolve and improve, then I
    would suggest that you more closely emulate Mr. Pirsig
    in the commendable attempts he made in his books to
    "get real". Fearfully going out on a limb even
    further that I already am, I hereby assert my believe
    that the biggest ideas will remain but hothouse
    flowers unless they are thrown against the sharp edges
    of the struggles experienced in daily living, such as
    those experienced by members of the sweaty, huddled,
    uncultured masses on the turnpikes and in the malls
    here in New Jersey, merrily consuming OPEC oil in huge
    air-conditioned SUVs while hoping not to be the next
    targets of intercontinental terrorism. I think that
    Mr. Pirsig's ideas, incomplete and imperfect as they
    are, deserve better than to remain hothouse flowers.

    My best wishes for the Holidays,

    Rudy O.

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