From: john williams (
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 21:53:24 GMT
Rudy, Spot on mate!
What you are talking about is what I am looking for but I don't think I'll
find it here. Guess I'll just have to get out there and try it on my own.
What I will do is this, whenever I attempt a practical application I will
report it here, anyone else interested? Of course all you guy's here will
say "practical application of what?' I would say that if you ask that
question then what your doing here has been a fair waste of time. My
understanding of Pirsig is that he was offering a new idea, and that we
should act on it, not just talk it round in circles, even though that is
important. I'm gunna leave that to you guy's.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rudy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 7:57 AM
Subject: MD Re: MOQ FOR DUMMIES, Please
> To All,
> Greetings once more from New Jersey. Thanks to
> everyone for your interesting comments. I'm going to
> ponder them for a bit, although I may return from
> Lurkersville later on with some questions. For now,
> though, I would simply suggest that you more closely
> consider the application and extension of Pirsig's
> ideas to practical issues, e.g. specific current
> issues relating to legislation, court decisions, law
> enforcement, prisons, medical issues and decisions,
> tribalism vs. one-worldism, poverty, spiritual
> longings, racial prejudice, Al Qaeda, capitalism,
> personal freedoms in times of terrorism, parenting,
> government clean-air regulations, the social effects
> of technology, inequalities in income distribution,
> school vouchers, etc. (If you're stuck for ideas, just
> get out a copy of a newspaper or Time mag and randomly
> pick out some articles). Pirsig seemed to go out of
> his way in his books to exemplify his theories based
> on real world issues and situations. I myself feel
> that his "latches" were a bit loose in many instances,
> which is to say that I feel that his MOQ paradigms are
> not yet robust enough to be presented to society as
> the recommended basis for thinking, acting and
> governing. Thus I am not surprised that over the past
> decade, Pirsig's ideas have not had a lasting effect
> on academia, education, government, the courts, the
> media, the social sciences or anywhere else. But I
> suspect that they represent a valuable step in the
> right direction, and thus should not be lost. IMHO,
> something more is needed by western society, given my
> belief that our basic social presumptions have not
> kept up with the effects of rapid technological and
> economic change ("Future Shock" and all that).
> If you good people see yourselves as the keepers of
> the flame that Mr. Pirsig lit, and if you agree that
> his ideas must continue to evolve and improve, then I
> would suggest that you more closely emulate Mr. Pirsig
> in the commendable attempts he made in his books to
> "get real". Fearfully going out on a limb even
> further that I already am, I hereby assert my believe
> that the biggest ideas will remain but hothouse
> flowers unless they are thrown against the sharp edges
> of the struggles experienced in daily living, such as
> those experienced by members of the sweaty, huddled,
> uncultured masses on the turnpikes and in the malls
> here in New Jersey, merrily consuming OPEC oil in huge
> air-conditioned SUVs while hoping not to be the next
> targets of intercontinental terrorism. I think that
> Mr. Pirsig's ideas, incomplete and imperfect as they
> are, deserve better than to remain hothouse flowers.
> My best wishes for the Holidays,
> Rudy O.
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