MD What time is it David?

From: Mari (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 13:58:50 GMT

  • Next message: Erin N.: "RE: MD "linear causality""

    Hello David,

            Brilliant! Passionate! Intelligent! Controversial! Challenging!........ i spent hours reading the posts that you forwarded to me which i have not seen before ( never showed up in my inbox ) taking notes as i did while reading Pirsig ( ZMM AND Lila both which i've read more than once FYI), researching on the internet all that i did not know about, learning much from what you wrote and what others have had to say about Sophists, Orphic poems and literature, connecting as many dots as i could, getting excited at times about your insightfulness and theories, smiling, frowning, laughing, often reading over again parts that didn't make sense in the moment, sometimes "getting it" other times not. Often your posts go into a separate folder for further consideration.....thank you for your time, efforts and energy.

           At the same time while appreciating your contributions to MoQ and to the further education of Mari, i get the impression that when i ask what time it is that you ( and others here at times ) give me the history of time and the anatomy of a clock. Great stuff! But what does that have to do with what time it is?

           When i asked you for clarity about your DQ/SQ creator/creation statement by saying that your statement was too static, too definite and too absolute i was saying that based on what Pirsig said in Lila Chptr 8 pg 114: "....MoQ does not insist on a single exclusive truth. If subjects and objects are held to be the ultimate reality then we're permitted only one construct of things---that which corresponds to the "objective" world---and all other constructions are unreal. But if Quality or excellence is seen as the ultimate reality then it becomes possible for more than one set of truths to exist. Then one doesn't seek the absolute "Truth". One seeks instead the highest quality intellectual explanation of things with the knowledge that if the past is a guide to the future this explanation must be taken provisionally; as useful until something better comes along" i wrote a note on the bottom of that page: " 'truth' is provisional, is conditional, is transitory. Paradox is part of the ultimate truth"

    Your response: "I'd love to help. The statement is heavy with terms known only to those who
    have read Lila. It is also something like a summary of what I've been saying
    throughout this thread and for a long time before that. If that's not enough,
    what I'm talking about is a philosophical description of a mystical reality.
    I dare say this ain't kid stuff. And at this point I should confess that I
    cringed while reading your concerns about "intimidation" and "the highbrow
    air that is not very welcoming". At the risk of flattering myself, I'd like
    to take some of the blame and say, 'sorry about that'. Its just that this
    stuff isn't easy. It a struggle. Its at the summit of a mountain. Its the
    oldest idea and the biggest secret. But, again, I'd love to help. I
    sincerely believe, as with most things, the challenge is proportional to the
    reward. I mean, "ignorant sluts" like Jane wouldn't stand a chance. Just
    kidding. Anyway...." and you go on to say lots of things.....

    i know this: "It's a paradox" would have worked just fine for me David but i guess that's not your style. And why say: "The statement is heavy with terms known only to those who have read Lila."?
    You also talk a lot about "The mystical reality" and the "Mystical Experience" would it hurt to tell us in detail about yours David and how it changed your life? What are the prerequisites for having one? Once you've had one does it delivery you to a state of which there is no return? Can others "see" that another has had one? Does it take one to know one? Are you interested in what the living are doing or are the ancients the only real heros? What do you think about Pirsig's choice to be absent from this group? Do you think he shows up in his own Mask? Who are you?



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