RE: MD "linear causality"

From: Horse (
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 03:31:40 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "Re: MD all of society's ills"


    If you believe that smear campaigns are the way to conduct a debate then you should
    go elsewhere. If, as you say, you are a practising neurosurgeon then you will have some
    knowledge of scientific procedure. This involves providing evidence for your claims as it
    is this evidence that is part of the process of confirmation. If no evidence is made
    available it is normal practice to assume that none exists. It is not normal practice to
    attempt to disprove spurious and/or malicious claims. They are treated with the
    contempt they deserve.
    I have challenged Glenn's claim and he has refused to provide evidence of his claim.
    Draw your own conclusions.

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    On 5 Jan 2003 at 2:54, John Maher wrote:

    > Hi Horse,
    > Continuing the personal attacks by calling Glenn a
    > liar* is not a way to forward your case Horse. Reading
    > through the archives, this seems to be your natural
    > response to dissent and that is sad. If you disagree
    > with a position, YOU provide evidence to the contrary
    > and leave it to the intelligent reader to decide for
    > herself, but don't, for goodness sake, seek to insult
    > your way to victory.
    > As to me provding quotes to back up Glenn, I have no
    > desire to do so. You will undoubtedly dispose of them
    > in your own offensive, semi-literate, manner and that
    > is not the level of debate I seek. As a practising
    > neurosurgeon, I came here intrigued by Pirsig's
    > concept of 'mind' but, I must confess, have become
    > very disillusioned very quickly.
    > If anyone knows of a place where these issues can be
    > discussed intelligently and in an academic fashion,
    > please drop me a line.
    > John
    > *'Knowingly false assertions', 'deliberate
    > misrepresentations', etc, etc.
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