Re: MD Jung pt 4

From: Patrick van den Berg (
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 14:26:35 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD No to absolutism"

    Hi Erin (and Marc)

    > Patrick,
    > I did enjoy your post by the way. I didn't respond
    > because I didn't have anything to say.
    > I know not having anything to say has not
    > stopped me from posting in the past, but
    > there's a first for everything ;-)

    Okay, I appreciate it. I always try to remember what is said on the
    MoQ-site somewhere: That sometimes noone replies to your posts doesn't
    mean it isn't valued by someone. But 3 posts in a row without a response
    from anyone put me a little bit in doubt ;-)
    Similarily, I enjoyed your description of Jung's work, but I don't have
    anything to say on this for the moment. (Except that I wanted to say to
    you that I appreciate it, but don't have anything to say about it! (add
    smilie nummero 2 here). Same goes for Marc BTW...

    Greetings, Patrick.

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