From: johnny moral (
Date: Fri Aug 06 2004 - 19:06:43 BST
>Hi Johnny,
>You wrote:
> > Quality, the
> > collection of patterns that will create the next moment of the universe
> > all the subjects and objects in it, makes it according to the patterns
> > which it is. Consciousness really IS the patterns, just as the rocks
> > things are the patterns.
>Quality a collection of patterns? That's news to me. I thought Quality was
>prior to patterns. "Quality is indivisible, undefinable and unknowable in
>the sense that there is a knower and a known." (Lila,5)
And yet he then goes on to divide Quality into DQ and SQ, doesn't he? SQ is
a collection of patterns, isn't it? I say there's only the patterns of SQ
and that DQ is a tooth fairy, and that the dynanicism and change of SQ
happens because patterns do not always repeat, but only morally attempt to
to repeat. If there are two patterns in conflict, the stronger (higher
quality) pattern repeats and the weaker one is thwarted, and thus a dynamic
change has occured.
I think that if Quality is everything, and synonymous to Morality and
Reality, then it is the collection of patterns which is everything.
>Also, if consciousness really is the patterns, and Quality is the
>collection of patterns, what's the difference between Quality and
In the beginning, (and at the root of every developing to-be-experienced
Now) Quality is only one thing - the essence of Quality/Expectation itself,
of there being a next moment, a pattern which should be repeated. That
expectation is consciousness. I think we use the terms in different
contexts, but they are the actually interchangable. There can be no Quality
without consciousness, and vice versa, because they are the same thing.
>I'm glad that when I quench my thirst by drinking a glass of water that
>I'm swallowing more satisfying than someone's belief. :-)
Are your beliefs so wrong that you would drink what you believe is battery
acid and just hope it was water? I believe what I believe is true, and I
think you do too. And my beliefs are usually the same as other people's
beliefs (and when they aren't, there's a reason they aren't).
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