From: David Morey (
Date: Sat Aug 07 2004 - 16:58:29 BST
suffering is the inevitable outcome of DQ
withdrawing itself from the cosmos and allowing
SQ to autonomously play itself out. If DQ intervened
it would not be SQ would it. The hope, the glory of
this cosmos is that DQ keeps adding the SQ, the question
we ask, is where is all this SQ going. Pirsig suggests it
is heading back to freedom, so that the intial withdrawal
of DQ is finding a way back to the freedom of its beginning.
David M
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Steven Heyman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 6:11 AM
Subject: MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evit
> Hi Mel, Chuck, all,
> The P.O.E. is being thrown around, but, so far, reading Chuck and Mel
> (even though Mel's had four years of philosophy) I don't get a sense
> that the problem's been properly formulated. Here it is:
> P1) God exists
> P2) God is omniscient
> P3) God is omnipotent
> P4) God is benevolent
> P5) The world is full of suffering not caused by man.
> P5 is evident. Therefore God, as defined (P2-P4), does not exist.
> And Mel, let's avoid Emergence here. I've looked into it, (thanks
> for the links), and find it an interesting post-modernist diversion,
> but hardly earth-shattering in its revelations. Given all the
> jargon, I was expecting something more. The cowboy idiom is "Lotsa
> hat and no cattle", or, to use your phrase, plenty of decoration.
> Now, MOQers, substitute DQ for God in the above, and explain
> yourselves. And, please, let's try not to say suffering is an
> illusion.
> Thanks to all, and let's RUMBLE!
> Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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