Re: MD Send your money in.

Date: Fri Aug 13 2004 - 01:38:08 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Send your money in."

    Hi Mark
    I have not read any Wilber. Precisely what is wrong with his
    metaphysics and how does it differ to MOQ?
    David M

    Hi David,
    Ken Wilber does not present a coherent metaphysics, but the metaphysical
    assumptions underlying his writings may be teaselled out so to speak. A good
    analysis of this is at:
    I can't say it is wrong, but it does not make for good philosophy in my view.
    Apart from this i would say see for yourself David? Ken Wilber may be for
    you? You are a free thinking critical person.

    I've read many articles by KW which have made good reading and enjoyed them.
    However, these are far outweighed by material i found to be very depressing,
    especially when reflecting upon gullible nature from which, sound intellect may
    not guarantee protection.

    All the best,

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