Re: MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evil

From: ml (
Date: Sun Aug 15 2004 - 07:49:20 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Metaphysics of Value"

    > msh says:
    > I agree that, in the MOQ, the POE isn't a problem, since evil, as
    > commonly understood, doesn't exist. In fact, this is one of the
    > reasons I am attracted to the MOQ.
    > But, notice, the word "evil" doesn't appear in my formulation of the
    > problem. "Suffering" takes its place. So, how about if instead of
    > "suffering" we use the phrase "immoral activity." When a boulder
    > breaks away from a hillside and crushes a child playing in the yard
    > below, we have an example of a lower pattern destroying a higher
    > pattern, which means an immoral action, according to the MOQ.
    > So, now, the argument goes something like this:
    > (P1) DQ is reality
    > (P2) DQ is maximum morality
    > (P3) Everything derives from DQ
    > (P4) Immoral actions occur
    > It seems that we have to deny at least one of these premises. No?
    > If so, which?

    NOPE! Still posed as a S/O formulation and it specifically
    excludes clear function of SQ...


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