Re: MD Metaphysics of Value

From: David Morey (
Date: Sun Aug 15 2004 - 12:46:47 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD PhD Viva Questions"


    In case you do not know there is a school
    of thought started by Roy Bhaskar called
    transcedental dialectical critical realism.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 9:05 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Metaphysics of Value

    > ----- Original Message -----
    > Ham's reply to Mark Steven Heyman, August 14
    > Re: MD Metaphysics of Value
    > Mark, may I correct some of your conclusions and add some comment
    > your effort to dismiss my philosophy on grounds that it offers nothing
    > You say:
    > > In response to Ham's contention that his concept of Immanent Essence
    > > is an original metaphysical contribution, I pasted his thesis into my
    > > word processor and replaced "Immanent Essence" with "Dynamic
    > > Quality"; I also replaced the single word "immanent" with "dynamic"
    > > and the single word "Essence" with "Quality." For those of us
    > > familiar with the MOQ, this results in NO significant change in
    > > meaning. I invite others to perform the same replacement and see if
    > > they agree.
    > That's a fascinating way to analyze a thesis, and it avoids having to read
    > it for the meaning intended. I would imagine that a variety of terms
    > be substituted for the original, and you would still end up with a
    > consistent essay. But your substitutions don't make sense. For example,
    > the word "immanent" (meaning "in the mind" as opposed to "in the objective
    > world") does not relate in any way to "dynamic" (continuously active or
    > changing), nor should it need to. Also, I do not equate Essence with
    > Quality [Value] because Value is only a conditional (finite) aspect of
    > Essence. Despite the fact that I have chosen my terms carefully, and even
    > provided a glossary as reference to my usage in this thesis, you have
    > misconstrued much of what I have said.
    > >
    > > This is not to say that there is no difference between the two
    > > philosophies. Ham's metaphysics is a not so thinly disguised theism.
    > > This is clear form Ham's most recent exchange with Platt (relevant
    > > portions pasted below), as well as from his talk of a "Master Plan"
    > > and a "Creator" and freedom as a "divine gift" to man. Ham's theism
    > > is further revealed in his thesis's closing paragraph, where we are
    > > admonished to pick the God side of Pascal's wager. Though some will
    > > say such a choice is prudent, it's always seemed to me the route of
    > > the intellectual coward.
    > I am not an atheist, and would not object to being called a "theist" if
    > an accurate label. Runes Dictionary defines "theism" as "a conception of
    > God as a unitary being"; inasmuch as I consider "beingness" a construct of
    > man's mind that separates him from the ultimate reality, I reject the
    > that it applies to Essence. In the "Freedom" essay I use the terms
    > plan" and "divine gift" euphemistically in order to hypothesize the
    > perspective of the Creator. I have not "admonished" the reader to choose
    > God; I quoted Pascal who suggests that it is the winning side of the
    > And, whatever has possessed you to regard belief in God as the mark of a
    > "coward"? Considering the age we live in, professing such a belief would
    > seem to call for an act of courage! (At least you've shown a modicum of
    > respect for my "intellect".)
    > > Despite the fact that "Quality" and "Essence" are interchangeable in
    > > Ham's written thesis,
    > Again, that is not true. The Value referred to my thesis is man's
    > psycho-emotional sensibility to Essence; hence I've said that "Value is
    > essence of man's reality". But they are not equivalent in my concept. I
    > don't know how Quality relates to an "a prori source" in Pirsig's
    > because he hasn't presented us with one.
    > > Ham insists that Quality is secondary to
    > > Essence, and that "Essence is the uncreated, undifferentiated and
    > > absolute Source that most people would call God." According to Ham,
    > > Pirsig would have a complete metaphysics if he would only "accept
    > > Essence as the source of Quality."
    > >
    > > But setting Essence above Quality serves no metaphysical purpose,
    > > other than to make room for a "Creator" with a "Master Plan" which
    > > includes freedom as a "divine gift" to man. Saying that Quality by
    > > itself doesn't have the gumption to bootstrap it's own existence, but
    > > that Essence does, is just a word game searching for the "Primary
    > > Mover." As we all know the "Primary Cause" argument for the
    > > existence of God fails because all it succeeds in doing is extending
    > > the causal chain infinitely backward. In other words setting Essence
    > > above Quality complicates the metaphysics, without adding any
    > > explanatory value.
    > How about teleology, which is "purpose" itself, Mark?
    > It may be poetic license to claim that Quality = Reality = Experience =
    > Value = Morality, and it resonates with our emotions; but what does it
    > Are we going to play guessing games with such statements for the rest of
    > lives? Speaking for myself, I would like to end the speculation by
    > assisting in the development of a dialectically complete, workable,
    > relevent, valuistic exposition for a Metaphysics of Quality -- even if
    > Quality is the word used to designate its "essential source". I offer my
    > thesis as the beginning of such a project.
    > Essentially yours,
    > Ham.
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