Re: MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evit

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Mon Aug 16 2004 - 15:09:08 BST

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD MOQ psycology (?)"

    Hi Mel,

    Welcome back.

    On 15 Aug 2004 at 0:34, ml wrote:

    > The P.O.E. is being thrown around, but, so far, reading Chuck and
    > Mel (even though Mel's had four years of philosophy) I don't get a
    > sense that the problem's been properly formulated. Here it is:
    > P1) God exists
    > P2) God is omniscient
    > P3) God is omnipotent
    > P4) God is benevolent
    > P5) The world is full of suffering not caused by man.
    > P5 is evident. Therefore God, as defined (P2-P4), does not exist.

    Thanks for the formulation, but once again another
    example that makes no REAL workd sense.
    An implied duty slides unmentioned that the ability
    to do something equates to a duty, but the whole
    free will thing cancels that need for
    an emergence emergency ;-)

    msh says:
    I don't understand your response. We're not talking about HUMAN free
    will and duty. In fact, this formulation explicitly excludes
    suffering caused by human beings. So I don't see how this
    formulation can be rejected as making no sense.

    Tell me WHY it makes no sense to you.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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