Re: MD Pirsig, a Zen person

From: Scott R (
Date: Mon Jan 13 2003 - 04:08:14 GMT

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    ----- Original Message ----- >
    > If Zen encourages silence then why are you surprised we
    > are not talking about Zen;-) Kidding, but it is hard to talk
    > about zen though. I definitely do think of Pirsig as a Zen person.
    > I was wondering if anybody who knows about postmodernism
    > tell me it would say about Zen. The discussions here that seem most zen to
    > seem like it would be dismissed as postmodernist (hi Platt).
    > I don't know enough about postmodernism to say if I would
    > call Pirsig a postmodernist but would be interested
    > from hearing about it from somebody who does know more about
    > both zen and postmodernism (Scott??).

    I call Pirsig a postmodernist but only in a very broad sense, namely,
    someone who has assimilated modernism, has seen its weaknesses, and attempts
    to correct those weaknesses without junking it all (as religious
    fundamentalists want to do). I also accept Pirsig's word that he is a Zen
    person, but as with all spiritual communities, there are Zen people and
    there are Zen people. Some are anti-intellectual, some are not. Some Zen
    communities emphasize asceticism, some not (or not as much).

    On Zen and silence, in my understanding, it is not that silence is
    preferable to talking, but that unless and until one learns to be silent at
    will, one's talking tends to be attached (ego bound). So the Enlightened one
    will be silent when silence is called for, and talk when talking is called
    for. After experiencing Nothingness, one returns to Somethingness.

    Now, is Zen postmodern? Obviously not, in that it long predates modernism.
    On the other hand, I see in it a philosophy (that all is contingent, that it
    is the mind that moves -- thanks Mari for posting my favorite koan), that
    gives postmodernism a groundless-grounding.

    - Scott

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