Re: MD MoQ Tests better than Cold Logic ?

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Aug 30 2004 - 23:31:55 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD the quality of equality"

    Hi Ian,

    > And Platt - I didn't say anything as fatuous as
    > "if it feels good do it"
    > In fact I very specifically "highlighted" the distinction I made by
    > inserting a word in that phrase.
    > Let's have honest debate, not aggressive pillorying.

    Your exact words were: "If it (genuinely) feels good do it." When you put
    a word in parens, it means "incidentally" or "by the way." It is not the
    way to highlight or emphasize something. Even if you meant to highlight
    "genuinely," I don't see that it adds anything to the meaning of the
    sentence. To claim that omitting is "aggressive pillorying" comes across
    of ultra defensive.


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