MD Pirsig's Answers

Date: Sun Sep 05 2004 - 14:42:52 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD MOQ and Logic/Science"

    Ant McWatt comments:

    David, I’m glad you found Pirsig’s answers to the viva questions interesting.

    However, I think it would have been helpful if you had put more emphasis on Pirsig’s point that intellectual values are above the social values of the marketplace. That it is to say, that it is, undoubtedly and definitely, immoral to prostitute truth to the values of an economic free market. To clarify this point for you, here’s another quote about this issue from Pirsig:

    “I think the MOQ regards any government supervision of the university curriculum as a form of evil because this is a social pattern attempting to control intellectual patterns. It is hypocritical for conservatives to denounce government interference in the free market place of commerce and then turn around and enforce government interference in the free market place of thought.”

    (Robert Pirsig to Anthony McWatt, July 3rd 2002)

    More seriously speaking, David B. asked September 5th:

    > I'm most fascinated by this idea of unwritten dharma. If anyone has some
    > ideas about it, I'd sure like to see them.

    Ant McWatt comments:

    As far as I read Pirsig's answer, I took it as distinguishing between formal law and informal normative rules. For example, to shake hands with your father-in-law when you first meet him is a good idea for social reasons but there isn’t any formal legal code that enforces this higher quality behaviour.

    Best wishes,


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