Re: RE; MD the individual in the MOQ

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Sun Sep 05 2004 - 18:41:24 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "MD Logical Analysis"

    > No one argues that the social isn't necessary if for no other reason than
    > it takes a society of your father and mother for you to be here.

    No, it takes two biological individuals for you to "be here". It takes a shared
    social semiotic for you (as a biological individual) to achieve "intelligence".

    But when
    > it comes to responding to DQ, only you, as an individual, are capable.
    > Societies don't respond. Read again the story of the brujo.

    No one denies the activity of biological individuals. It is a given.

    > No one suggests the intellectual level should be renamed the "collective."

    > But the social level could be renamed the "collective level" and the
    > intellectual the "individual level" to emphasize the difference and to
    > show the dynamic and thus moral superiority of the individual over the
    > collective.

    If anything, perhaps the biological level should be renamed the "individual"
    since it discusses biological entities responding to DQ without a social
    semiotic, whether amoebas or individuals devoid of a social semiotic. The
    result is the same, an endless stream of DQ and nothing else.

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