From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 19:59:27 BST
Hi David,
On 12 Oct 2004 at 18:03, David Morey wrote:
Seems clear to me that if some aspects of experience
are not suitable for scientific explanation this is very interesting
it is also exactly what Pirsig says of DQ. Also without DQ we cannot
explain how SQ has evolved.
msh says:
Yes, as my friend Platt likes to remind me, there's a lot more to
life than what is dreamt of in science's valueless philosophy. Art
is the most immediate example, especially, for me, music and
literature. Beauty in general. Love. In fact, I think if life were
nothing more than 70 plus years of running around with calculators
and yardsticks, no one would stick around long enough to do any
science anyway.
That's why I love the MOQ. I think we need to get some T-Shirts
printed up.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Steven Heyman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:34 AM
Subject: RE: MD On Faith
> On 11 Oct 2004 at 18:02, Platt Holden wrote:
> As Scott as pointed out several times, orthodox theology has
> over the years in light of new knowledge. But, it's faith in a
> spiritual presence hasn't changed from the beginning. Similarly,
> science has evolved in the light of new knowledge. But it's faith
> naturalism hasn't changed from the beginning. It will not allow an
> unmeasurable creative power, like DQ, into it's explanations.
> msh says:
> Science can't make room for anything unmeasurable or otherwise
> physically undetectable; if it did it wouldn't be science. It's
> simply wrong to say that science denies God; Science has nothing to
> say about God except, insofar as the concept has any meaning at
> there is no scientific basis for believing in a supreme being of
> kind. This doesn't mean that one, or more, doesn't exist.
> As long as religion insists that God is unmeasurable, the two
> of thought will be concerned with mutually exclusive domains. The
> only time religion and science come into conflict is when religious
> people seek for their beliefs the imprimatur of science (or math or
> logic). The interesting social and psychological question, at that
> point, is why they desire this stamp of approval.
> Best,
> msh
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