RE: MD Solidarity truth

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 00:58:53 GMT

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Gardner on Pragmatism"

    DMB complained:
    Further, my complaint about incomprehensible solipsism was not address to
    this issue.
    It was addressed to Matt's use of the word to mean the use of a premise with
    which he disagrees. This is the definition that nobody will ever find in any
    dictionary and that's why I said it defies the english language.

    Whew! Its a good thing I never said that 'begging the question' simply
    amounted to disagreeing with premises and that I'd be using it that way.
    Again, its more specific than that. When a person draws a conclusion that
    they think you should have to logically agree with, but it hinges on a
    premise you don't accept, then they are begging the question i.e. you can't
    answer the question because the premises are already stacked against you.


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