RE: MD Gardner on Pragmatism

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 02:06:51 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "MD The historical context of Pragmatism"

    Scott and Glenn:

    Scott said:
    That was Glenn, not me, and he was paraphrasing Martin Gardner. But I assume
    Gardner is referring to such heavies as Bradley and Royce (Absolute
    Idealists). I don't know much about that era (late 19th century), but do
    know that the word 'absolute' got tossed around with abandon, both by
    idealists and materialists.

    DMB says:
    Oooops. Sorry about that. Its just that Scott and Glenn look so much
    alike... Just kidding. Thanks for the names Bradley and Royce. I never heard
    of them, but I'll look into it. I should add that it seems the pragmatists
    were reacting to something, but its a mystery to me and would like to know
    what particular bee got under their bonnets.

    It was really Glenn who said:
    > James lived in a time when philosophy was dominated by metaphysical
    > that claimed the existence of timeless and absolute truths that could be
    > established by rational arguments,...
    > DMB asks:
    > James lived in a time when philosophy was dominated by metaphysical
    > I'm very curious about this. Please explain.
    DMB adds:
    Whad'ya think, Glenn? What's behind the pragmatists' rejection of
    metaphysics. What's the problem with it, according to them?

    Also, at the risk of offending you, I have to say your recent posts are a
    very refreshing departure. I honestly didn't think you had it in you and
    can't remember the last time I was so happy to be wrong about a guy. If
    memeory serves, "silly" was the word I used to describe your posts. I hereby
    take it back. There's nothing silly about your work this week. Please keep
    it coming.


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