RE: MD On Faith

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 03:05:18 GMT

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD On Faith"

    Sam, Scott, DMB, yada yada..

    On 30 Oct 2004 at 16:44, David Buchanan wrote:
    dmb asked the theists to make a case:
    I'll ask you the same thing I ask everyone, can't you bring me some
    actual quotes from these guys?

    Scott replied:
    Why should I do your homework for you? I don't have a bunch of quotes

    Sam added:
    I've actually suggested a number of books for DMB to chase up where
    he can investigate these things for himself. He's not yet (to my
    knowledge) bothered to break out of Wilberville.

    dmb said:
    I really don't get it. Isn't the one making the claim responsible for
    making that claim clear and credible? Don't we all have to back up
    what we're saying? Do I fail to back up and explain what I'm saying?

    msh pleads:
    Here's what I think we should do with all this appeal to authority
    stuff: Let's all make our case saying what we think and why,
    precisely and clearly, without reference to ANY other thinker. Then,
    if we want, we can say "Oh, and if you want to, take a look at.....
    yada, yada , yada."

    Right now I'm reviewing Wittgenstein in order to continue my
    discussion with Sam. I don't mind this, actually, as I admire Witt
    and am enjoying the refresher. However, this homework assignment
    strategy can easily be seen to be evasive. In presenting our cases,
    all of us here should be able to incorporate AND EXPLAIN the ideas of
    others in our own words, without even referring to the others.

    This, to me, seems the higher quality form of discourse.

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
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