Re: MD DQ people

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 12:39:47 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)"

    Hi John:

    > Is your implication that people on the left do think that they know what is
    > best for people and that anyone you help will automatically turn into a
    > sponge? Is that your life experience, where did you form this opinion ?

    History. The Inquisition tortured and burn heretics at the stake for their
    own good. Generations remain on welfare handouts by the lure of free
    money. Today In North Korea the government knows what's best for
    everybody in the country.

    > But you do except the idea that there are DQ people? who instinctively
    > react to DQ and without knowing it respond to it and channel it, that was
    > one of the things I was trying to get at. I see instinct and DQ as if not
    > the same thing then very similar.

    I do too. All people are DQ people whether they know it or not. Some
    pay more attention to it than others.

    > Platt: I have no problem with your chosen worldview. Using government >
    > jackboots to impose that view on others is the problem.
    > John: Where did you ever get that idea? Collective improvement does not
    > require jackbooting of any kind, the type of things I look for are
    > Intellectual DQ solutions to the problems we all have in common, they're
    > already happening, I reckon we should expand these occurrence and that we
    > could come up with a template that would give us some thing to work with.

    Fine. Just keep politics out of it.

    > I thought your jackboot metaphor was interesting because I think of anyone
    > with strong rightwing views is only a short trip to the shoe shop from
    > being a Fascist, only I wasn't going to let that out, I was going to keep
    > it to myself.

    I wish you had. Substitute two words in your thought--leftwing for
    rightwing and Commie for Fascist--and you have an equally mean-
    spirited metaphor. "Jackboot" is simply a reminder that governments,
    whether left or right, are legalized force.


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