ualityRe: MD On Transcendence

Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 01:06:45 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching"

    From: Ham Priday
    To: Scott Roberts and all
    Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 7:55 PM
    Subject: Re: MD On Transcendence

    Concerning the absence of a Creator (primary source) in the MOQ, Ham said:
    > > This omission has nothing to do with the author's desire to avoid
    > > since the God of religion is a "supreme being", and what possesses being
    > > exists as an object to be perceived.
    > > Isn't Quality also an aspect of
    > > objects perceived?
    Scott replied:
    > That's the pre-MOQ view. The MOQ changes this to say that Quality is what
    > produces the perceived object (and the perceiving subject)....

    Is it your understanding, then, that Quality is pre-conditional,
    transcendent, and uncreated? Does Quality presume a prior cause that isn't
    cited in the MOQ, or is it a *causa sui* (self-generated) entity? And why
    isn't such essential information provided by the author?



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