RE: MD Empiricism

From: Simon Magson (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 10:51:02 GMT

  • Next message: Simon Magson: "RE: MD Empiricism"

    Scott Roberts wrote:
    >Now this is more than just a difference in vocabulary. By treating DQ as
    >Reason, Coleridge is making a connection between the reason we use to
    >understand the world of experience with the Reason that makes that world.
    >This is what I tried to explain in the "A bit of reasoning" thread. It is,
    >of course, not the case that our understanding is necessarily correct -- it
    >is often incorrect. But it is the same faculty, just that as it occurs in
    >us, it is limited and prone to error by being impure (mixed up with
    >emotions, for example), and the only worlds we make are on the social and
    >intellectual levels. By purifying that faculty, we improve our reason to
    >become Reason -- not to make inorganic and biological worlds, but to Know
    >through Identity the Reason that did. This goes beyond what Pirsig's
    >vocabulary will allow. Pirsig can only say that ideas are as real as rocks
    >and trees. He misses that rocks and trees are Ideas (or at least their
    >The point of the Merrell-Wolff quotes was to bring out that intellect and
    >Intellect played a central role in FMW's mystical unfoldment. There is, of
    >course, a great deal of overlap with other philosophical mysticism, but one
    >gets no sense of this role of intellect in Pirsig's treatment of intellect,
    >where it is mainly seen as covering up DQ, and Intellect is not mentioned
    >at all.

    Just wondering, has Pirsig written anything that you don't think is wrong?
    Also, saying that DQ is Reason destroys the MOQ immediately and
    comprehensively. It is like going on an Forum and saying that,
    actually, e does not equal mc squared.


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