Re: RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 15:22:50 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD ill gotten gains"


    Notice that the question, "What is the proper source of morality for a
    nation?" continues to be sidestepped by another wild attempt to change the

    > > P.S. Notice that the knee-jerk response so far has been to launch an ad
    > > hominem attack on Washington rather than seriously address the question.

    > Pointing out historical facts is ad hominem attacks?
    > The answer, as I read it, is that quoting Washington as proof of the need
    > for "religious underpinnings" for a nation's morality is like quoting Sid
    > Vicious on the need for musical censorship, or the editor of High Times on
    > the morality of the drug war. It was asking for this type of response.
    > Besides, as I've said, it is the evident "heroification" of these
    > "founders" that I find to be a valuable, education lesson in critical
    > thinking. As one poster commented, they were just men.
    > I find it interesting that someone who defends freedom so loudly (in
    > financial aspects anyway), would seemingly propose that a theocracy would
    > be an improvement for our society. Your staunch support of the religious
    > right's agenda (at least surrounding homosexuality and promiscuous sex),
    > and now this proposal for religious foundations...
    > I was thinking about this as I was feeding the campus squirrels over lunch
    > (this is true!), earlier you argued strongly (via Pirsig) that New York
    > City was the greatest, most dynamic city in the world. It embodied the kind
    > of "freedom" from social restrictions you believed made London, Amsterdam,
    > etc. "dull".
    > And yet, how would NYC be if the religious right had its way? Wouldn't it
    > become like those Middle Eastern cities you hate so much, with their
    > enslaving religious-social restrictions on individuals? Do you think the
    > vibrancy of the city you love so much would be maintained? Or, do you think
    > you can do away with individual freedoms outside the marketplace and still
    > have NYC as it is today?
    > And another thing... if NYC is the shining example of DQ, and what every
    > other city and every other nation should aspire to... why did the citizens
    > of NYC (and every other metropolitan area in the US) want Bush out of
    > office? Was it because they were aware of the threats to DQ that these
    > social level restrictions mandated by the religious right?

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