Re: MD ill gotten gains

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 15:22:50 GMT

  • Next message: mel: "RE: RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching"


    > > Not according to Pirsig. He applies some "critical thinking" to the
    > > beliefs of today's intellectuals, pointing out that at times brutality is
    > > a necessary condition of the good:
    > If the means justify the end "sometimes", does that mean they justify the
    > end "all the time"?

    All the time a society is threatened by biological values, yes.

    > Because a society must use force to imprison those who break the societal
    > laws, does this lead to the conclusion that any time that society exercises
    > force it is for justifiable reasons?


    > Or are there still situations were the use of force by society (say in
    > overthowing a legally elected foreign leader, or selling arms to two
    > opposing factions so that their ongoing killing protects our societies
    > economic interests via a destabilized region, or in slavery, or in planned
    > extermination)... in ANY society is repugnant no matter how you slice it?

    It depends on the threat.

    > You see, because if not, I am left wondering how when others use brutality
    > to preserve their society, you are not championing this? Or is America the
    > only nation "allowed" to achieve the good through brutality?
    Any nation threatened by another nation or by a group (radical Islam) that
    initiates a policy of "might makes right" has a moral right to defend
    itself by any means at its disposable.


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