RE: MD Empiricism

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 20:26:24 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD Empiricism"


    > Just wondering, has Pirsig written anything that you don't think is

    I agree that Quality is fundamental, and that the later levels are more
    moral than the earlier one, in that they are more Dynamic. I also find
    great value in Pirsig's discussions of technology in ZAMM, his analysis of
    the Giant in Lila, etc.

    > Also, saying that DQ is Reason destroys the MOQ immediately and
    > comprehensively. It is like going on an Forum and saying
    > actually, e does not equal mc squared.

    My argument has been that value implies consciousness and intellect, that
    they should all be considered three names for the same (non)-thing. There
    is no value without appreciation of value, and no discerning of better and
    worse without intellect, that "static patterns of value" are not
    appreciated as patterns, nor can they be compared to other patterns,
    without intellect. This does not imply that such intellect is human
    intellect, or even S/O-style intellect. I've said this several times, and
    have not heard a convincing rebuttal, so give it a shot.

    - Scott

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