Re: MD Empiricism

From: David Morey (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 15:55:29 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD Empiricism"

    It seems we are in agreement, as "reality is undivided and undefinable" 'Is' what I have been trying to say. This is what I call Aristotelian 'Slicing-n-dicing' of the universe. Though we need the subject and object to help us communicate, it really has no meaning, as subject and object can only describe. "Description is not philosophy." -- Shaw (I think) I see the benefit of S&D as long as we recognize its limitations. I see the benefits of science as long as we see its limitations, and I see the benefits of religion, as long as none are excluded.

    DM: Sounds about right to me.

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