From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Mon Nov 22 2004 - 03:06:27 GMT
> dmb says:
> I'm with Simon on this one. I think you are hopelessly dualistic and
> repeated misunderstand Pirsig as a result. Your search for the evaluator
> the values is not a legitmate question, but rather demonstrates a
> misunderstanding on your part. And the only thing absurd about the MOQ's
> assertion that immediate reality is undivided is your inability to
> comprehend this point. On this point, Pirsig is only saying what all
> philosophical mystics are saying.
So you think there can be DQ without SQ? Do you think that nirvana is not
samsara? I guess we are talking about a schism within philosophical
mysticism. (And how is "saying what all philosophical mystics are saying"
not an argument from authority, as opposed to empirical. I happen to agree
with (some) mystical authority, but I am not deluding myself that I do so
based on empiricism.)
> See, its not that patterns have value because some mysterious entity
> "thinks" they do or whatever. That's just pushing SOM into ever smaller
> corners of reality, projecting those metaphysical assumptions onto all
> levels. But its not that particles express preferences ABOUT reality, its
> that such preferences ARE reality, ARE the pattern of value.
Read what I have said. I have not assumed "some mysterious entity". I have
only assumed that DQ is meaningless without SQ, or some form or other.
Emptiness is not other than form, form is not other than emptiness. That is
all. This was in response to Simon's saying there is "just value", and
Pirsig's saying there is something called "pure experience". Now those
*are* mysterious entities.
- Scott
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