Date: Mon Nov 22 2004 - 02:53:21 GMT
In a message dated 11/21/04 5:49:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I do not see a separation between the church and Christianity, even if
there is a variety of practices. You tell me, what makes a person a
Christian? Who teaches Christian beliefs? How long would Christianity,
as a system of belief, survive without the church? What are the core
Christian beliefs? What are the common Christian beliefs? (I would ask
the same of Judaism and Islam.) It appears to me that Christianity is its
people, and Christians have been taught what to believe by the Church.
Hi MarshaV,
First, my central point might be 'Everyone in all of culture, religious,
scientific, political have been taught what to believe. It is only in philosophy
that we search our own minds.'
I cannot disagree with you, and I take everything anyone offers as
respectful unless it gets into petty bickering. I also can't say what the central
beliefs of Christians are as I have not been exposed to all churches. I feel (as
I can't know for certainty, only hear say) that there are extreme differences
in the churches and their beliefs. I also couldn't say these things about
any other religions. All I can assume is they all have their bad and good. So
the original statement -- stand alone -- "Christianity is not bad", would be
inadequate, as I can't know this. The thought that it does get one in touch
with God would lead me to the assumption that it serves a purpose.
I would say the same of science. It serves a purpose. As well as, as much as
I hate to admit it, politics serve a purpose as well.
As I stated, I am not here to defend Christianity or religion, but like
scientific discoveries, and political views, it makes up the static patterns that
make up societies and cultures. For me to deny these a relevant would mean
that I would have to argue this statement, which I am also not capable of
doing. If I cannot deny them, then I must accept them as close to reality as
anything I might come up with.
I can disagree with what I have seen of so called Christians that go against
what I thought Christianity was all about, but I don't see how this would
lead me to Dynamic Quality as this would be placing my focus on a negative
cause. The same would hold true if I focused on proving the flaws of the
education system.
I am not well read in philosophy, so I also couldn't place my focuses on
proving the school of philosophy is wrong in order to find the Quality or Value
I am searching for.
Just for a bit of background, I have been involved in a search for Quality
and Value, but it was in the world of finance, and in particular, Wall Street
finance. Each of the separate schools of thought in finance had their value.
What seemed to me to be the case in my studies is each of them were out to
prove what they saw as their immortal truths, blinded by these immortal truths
to the point they couldn't see the forest for the trees. The arguments I found
between the academics and nonacademics alike were the same. They believed
what they believed, and were gullible to what they had been taught by others,
the same as Christians are gullible to what they were taught by others, as
scientists, as politicians.
The idea as I see it behind MOQ is not to accept the immortal truths of
others, but discover for yourself the Quality which you seek. As I developed my
own personal philosophy of investing, I hope to develop my own personal
philosophy in the affairs of man, and/or the City-state. What I found in finance is
the same as what I expect to find here. It is not what is laid before you
that causes disagreement, it is the interpretation of what is laid before you.
In my statement that Christianity is not bad, I felt that the concept of
Christianity is not bad, as I see this concept in a spiritual sense. I have my
beliefs as to where this all went wrong, but to claim that I know where it went
wrong, or even that it is wrong, would mean that I hold an immortal truth
that no one else does. I am just not ready to make that statement.
It took five years to develop an investing plan. I suspect it will take much
more than that to develop a life plan. In my offerings on the investment
forums, I always offer my thoughts as just that; thoughts. When I offer anything
here, it will be the same, but at least for the time being, it will be
uneducated thoughts.
When you offer your thoughts, as you have, I will receive them with
appreciation, as I know that you are as capable, if not more capable of discovering
this Quality we seek. I hope that you and all here will be around on this
forum long enough for us to develop a Master Mind of thought that goes along with
a number of people's thoughts being in harmonious contemplation.
Eventually we will get there, and I will accept every argument you offer as
respectful. As long as you still argue, then I feel I still have your respect
enough to take the time to do so.
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