RE: MD Question

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Sun Jan 26 2003 - 01:48:04 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD DQ people"


    DMB said:
    OK. I'll bite. Why do pragmatists dislike Kant? I thought that, unlike the
    German idealists, they accepted what Kant said about this.

    Oh, God no. Gardner might want to read the pragmatists as Kantians (that's
    basically what he does when he says that James was a realist), but I
    seriously doubt that that is a useful way to ascertain their importance.
    Firstly, most histories of philosophy read Kant as the beginning of German
    idealism. Along with this, Kant also started contemporary realism. There
    is some considerable debate amongst Kant's interpreters as to whether he is
    one or the other (many say he's simply too ambiguous to tell one way or the
    other; see the contemporary Kantian P.F. Strawson's The Bounds of Sense).
    Pragmatists don't want to be either. I take Kant as one of the main
    representatives of SOM because of his reiteration of the Greek distinction
    between appearance and reality for the modern world.

    When we take the Cartesian stance that there is an "organ" in our mind that
    can, say, detect Truth, we are saying that we have an organ that can pierce
    behind appearances to the real Truth, rather than apparent truth. This
    creates a real, true, ahistorical structure that, if we can find it, we
    will have the key to which we can then unlock the secrets of the world.
    Pragmatists don't think there is a key, they simply think that we cope with
    the world around us.


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