Re: MD Gardner on Pragmatism

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Sun Jan 26 2003 - 01:33:08 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "RE: MD Question"


    It seems to that Campbell would follow Donald Davidson and Rorty is saying
    that metaphors are "unfamiliar sounds." Literal words are "familiar
    sounds." What Davidson and the neo-pragmatists are suggesting is that
    metaphors have no cognitive meaning. We simply can't explain them
    according to other things that we've explained (literal words). As soon as
    we can explain a metaphor, it dies, it ceases to be a metaphor. Literal
    words and sentences can give us reasons for thinking things and doing
    things i.e. reasons can lead to causes. Metaphors can only cause us to do
    or think things, not give us reasons.

    This may seem an odd thing to say, but it is, I believe, what Campbell is
    saying in the passages Erin gave. Campbell then says that "believers" take
    metaphors as facts and atheists as "lies." I'm not sure how to interpret
    what he means, but here's a stab: he's saying that believers think that
    metaphors have cognitive meaning (and are therefore important) and atheists
    don't think they have cognitive meaning (and are therefore unimportant).
    If what he means is something along the Davidsonian lines I drew above
    (which I think he might given "God is a metaphor for that which trancends
    all levels of intellectual thought."), then Campbell would say the fact/lie
    distinction should be blurred. Metaphors don't have cognitive meaning, but
    that doesn't mean they aren't important. In fact, metaphors are essential
    for evolving better linguistic tools for coping with reality.

    So, to say that pragmatists think metaphors a lie, I think, is to
    misunderstand what they are saying about metaphysics (and James well known
    defence of believers). Pragmatists don't like metaphysics because it
    typically banks on a distinction that forces us to chase after an Absolute
    Truth. When we make a distinction between appearance and reality, then we
    will be constantly be trying to pull back appearances to get at reality.
    Pragmatists don't want to make that distinction. They simply want to cope
    with their experiences and environment (or enjoy them, as the case may be).
     Pragmatists, as I've been presenting them, have no problem with the
    metaphor "Quality." They do have a problem with the degenerate activity
    that Pirsig calls the Metaphysics of Quality. "Quality is reality" is a
    metaphor because it doesn't make any literal sense. As soon as we
    literalize it, we hypostatize it as a metaphysical chess piece. I've been
    urging that we follow the pragmatists in resisting this.


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