MD No Subject really

From: Mari (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 23:43:45 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Lila's Child"

    Just getting the first few words out lately has been a struggle, especially when it comes to the MoQdg. i do notice a little more pause and reflection in everyday conversation about politics, world matters, and plane ole stuff that needs some degree of conscious consideration and "thinking". i notice this occurs more often now than it did before joining MoQ. But when it comes to matters involving the MoQdg directly, the hesitation is the greatest of all. Sometimes i put a few words down, then delete them, then write something "new" that has a familiar ring..... or i sit there looking at the blinking cursor.....paused, thinking about what's been said before....paused, wondering if there's a way of saying something differently this time around so it can possibly be received "better" or "best"? differently in any case.....

    The subject(s) discussed here in the MoQdg have been around for awhile ( Pirsig and/or MoQ are supposed to be relative in some way if i am understanding the "purpose" and "guidelines"; correct me if i'm wrong or missing something besides the correct use of the semicolon; please )....i read the archives from time to time and it is interesting in my opinion how these subjects keep appearing without much sense of progress or reslove IMHO....In some ways it reminds me of the movie "Groundhog day"

    Like "Phil" in the movie: If he does nothing different(ly), events will repeat themselves as they were on the original day. But if he changes his behavior, people will respond to his new actions, opening up all kinds of possibilities for playing with the unfolding of events....maybe if i do something differently....maybe ....may be, maybe

    A few days ago someone made a comment about Pirsig's use of fiction ( the novel ) to get his philosophy heard. Will the person who said that re-present their statement/idea.

    Thank you for your time,


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