From: Scott R (
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 03:06:03 GMT
> Thanks for addressing my question of what drives things. Does Pirsig just
> say Quality drives itself? If so, I think he is just avoiding the
> or refusing to divide up Quality into a Trinity of Static Quality
> (Son/Christ/Created Existence) Dynamic Quality (Holy Ghost) and the
> that drives things (Father/God/Love). He names the Quality Duo of Static
> and Dynamic Quality, does he ever name the power that he just calls
> that is the force that drives things?
Not sure of your subsequent question here, or maybe I would rather not guess
at an answer. Isn't he naming the power that drives (or creates) things
I'm also a bit leery of trying to match up the Pirsigian trinity with
Christianity's, in part because it is an unanswerable question, and in part
because if Pirsig didn't get around to talking about it, it may be a
"misreading too far". In my view, the need to divide up the divine into a
trinity is not because that's the way the divine is, but because we are
mistaken if we call the divine One or Three, and we are also mistaken if we
drop the question entirely (that is, I think it is good for us to butt our
intellects against mystery, but not so as to come to a conclusion).
- Scott
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