Re: MD Quality and Bias In Commercial Media

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Jan 29 2005 - 03:50:02 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Understanding Quality and Power"

    Hi Ant and Platt and all,

    Re: Bill Moyers, whose retirement represents a further degeneration
    of Quality within the mass media.

    ant said:
    I also viewed a video on the MRC website of what is apparently
    advertised as a Jonah Goldberg speech and as I watched it I thought
    initially “Oh, no – not another flag waver”. However, the speech, by
    the end, began to make a lot of sense and I was thinking maybe Platt
    wasn’t completely mistaken about Goldberg and the MRC.

    I thought Goldberg had stated the following:

    “I decided to put on my flag pin tonight - first time. Until now I
    haven’t thought it necessary to display a little metallic icon of
    patriotism for everyone to see.... I put it on to take it back. The
    flag’s been hijacked and turned into a logo – the trademark of a
    monopoly on patriotism. On those Sunday morning talk shows official
    chests appear adorned with the flag as if it is the Good Housekeeping
    Seal of Approval and during the State of the Union did you notice
    Bush and Cheney wearing the flag? How come? No administration’s
    patriotism is ever in doubt, only its policies. And the flag bestows
    no immunity from error.”

    “When I see flags sprouting on official lapels, I think of the time
    in China when I saw Mao’s Little Red Book on every official’s desk,
    omnipresent and unread. But more galling than anything are all those
    moralistic ideologues in Washington sporting the flag in their lapels
    while writing books and running Web sites and publishing magazines
    attacking dissenters as un-American.... I put it on to remind myself
    that not every patriot thinks we should do to the people of Baghdad
    what bin Laden did to us.”

    I thought fair enough. Though Goldberg’s a conservative, he still
    wants to emphasise that his views aren’t that extreme and that not
    all conservatives are ranting flag wearers with a distorted sense of
    patriotism. Then I realised – due to the poor navigation on the MRC
    site - that I’d actually been watching a Bill Moyers speech (you have
    to remember that being British, I am unfamiliar with what many of
    these people look like!) and the reason it was featured on the MRC
    website was because this clip had actually won the “Roasting the Most
    Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of 2003” – “I Hate You #!*#!
    Conservatives Category”.

    It was quite disturbing that such a level-headed clip could be
    considered in such an extreme way. If I had been originally directed
    to this “media watchdog” page as a parody of conservative ideology
    (say by Mark H) I would have easily believed it!

    msh says:
    Yes, and how strange that the #!*#! conservatives see in this
    beautiful speech an equation of conservatism with communism. Their
    paranoia makes them impervious to the truth in Moyers' elegant

    Moyers is not claiming some bizarre "moral equivalency" between Mao
    and Bush, whatever that's supposed to mean. The paragraph that
    begins "When I see flags sprouting..." draws a parallel between the
    unthinking ideologues who worshipped Mao and the unthinking
    ideologues who worship GWB and blind uncritical patriotism: the
    little red book everywhere but unread; the flag pins everywhere, but
    the notion of patriotism completely distorted and misunderstood.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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