MD Quality and Bias In Commercial Media

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2005 - 02:23:30 GMT

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD A New Generation is at Hand"

    Ant McWatt stated January 20th:

    I was hardly expecting a response (even a glib one) concerning Geoffrey
    Nunberg’s critique of the Media Research Center just yet as I said that was
    I delving further into the organization and its articles. However, without
    some equally credible academic source to discredit Nunberg’s critique –
    at some point, at least - Platt’s contention that there is credible
    material for Goldberg's books does appear increasingly unlikely.

    Platt Holden responded January 22nd:

    “Not knowing what you consider "high quality supporting sources," here's
    just a beginning list of sources used as references by the MRC:

    George Washington University, Smith College, US New & World Report, Editor &
    Publisher, California State University, Indiana University, American Society
    of Newspaper Editors, Princeton Survey Research Center, Los Angeles Times.

    So what's the problem?

    Ant McWatt replies:

    Actually, there’s a couple of problems.

    Firstly, the Media Research Centre website advertises itself on its homepage
    as having a conservative bias:

    “For years, conservatives could only present the anecdotal evidence of
    liberal journalists' bias - a question in this interview, a statement in
    that report. However, anecdotal examples of bias do not prove a liberal
    agenda. Only through thorough, comprehensive, and ongoing analysis based on
    quantitative and qualitative research can one document liberal bias in the

    Therefore, it’s difficult to see why you directed me to this site as an
    impartial source of liberal or conservative bias. It is obvious that such a
    source is biased towards the right and will support Goldberg!

    Secondly, regarding the universities mentioned by you above, there is no
    evidence of independent research published by them supporting the MRC’s
    contention that the mass media has a liberal bias either within the MRC
    website or, for that matter, anywhere else on the internet. The MRC
    assertion that it is devoted to “thorough, comprehensive, and ongoing
    analysis based on quantitative and qualitative research” therefore appears a
    fallacious and misleading claim.

    OK, some further observations about the MRC website:

    “The Special Reports: An In-Depth Study, Analysis or Review Exploring the
    Media” page on the website (
    where I thought such research would be presented just seems to have various
    reports by MRC employees (such as Tim Graham, Rich Noyes and Brent Baker)
    who blatantly cite their conservative bias in their respective MRC

    “The Special Reports” webpage is endorsed by one Cal Thomas who is described
    as a “National Syndicated Columnist”. This non-committal description is
    indeed true but what the page fails to state is that Thomas also presents
    “Watch After Hours” on Fox’s News Channel and is a panellist on the weekly
    “Fox News Watch”. In other words, just another conservative hack.

    Furthermore, the “What People Are Saying About the MRC” page on the website
    ( again lacks any credible sources
    and cites only radio talk show hosts, conservative politicians and

    I also viewed a video on the MRC website of what is apparently advertised as
    a Jonah Goldberg speech and as I watched it I thought initially “Oh, no –
    not another flag waver”. However, the speech, by the end, began to make a
    lot of sense and I was thinking maybe Platt wasn’t completely mistaken about
    Goldberg and the MRC.

    I thought Goldberg had stated the following:

    “I decided to put on my flag pin tonight - first time. Until now I haven’t
    thought it necessary to display a little metallic icon of patriotism for
    everyone to see.... I put it on to take it back. The flag’s been hijacked
    and turned into a logo – the trademark of a monopoly on patriotism. On those
    Sunday morning talk shows official chests appear adorned with the flag as if
    it is the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and during the State of the
    Union did you notice Bush and Cheney wearing the flag? How come? No
    administration’s patriotism is ever in doubt, only its policies. And the
    flag bestows no immunity from error.”

    “When I see flags sprouting on official lapels, I think of the time in China
    when I saw Mao’s Little Red Book on every official’s desk, omnipresent and
    unread. But more galling than anything are all those moralistic ideologues
    in Washington sporting the flag in their lapels while writing books and
    running Web sites and publishing magazines attacking dissenters as
    un-American.... I put it on to remind myself that not every patriot thinks
    we should do to the people of Baghdad what bin Laden did to us.”

    I thought fair enough. Though Goldberg’s a conservative, he still wants to
    emphasise that his views aren’t that extreme and that not all conservatives
    are ranting flag wearers with a distorted sense of patriotism. Then I
    realised – due to the poor navigation on the MRC site - that I’d actually
    been watching a Bill Moyers speech (you have to remember that being British,
    I am unfamiliar with what many of these people look like!) and the reason it
    was featured on the MRC website was because this clip had actually won the
    “Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of 2003” – “I Hate
    You #!*#! Conservatives Category”.

    It was quite disturbing that such a level-headed clip could be considered in
    such an extreme way. If I had been originally directed to this “media
    watchdog” page as a parody of conservative ideology (say by Mark H) I would
    have easily believed it!

    Finally, I quote Steve Rendall from Axess, a social sciences magazine, based
    in Sweden that “strives, above all, for quality of thought and writing, but
    without being defined by a single political position… open to differing
    arguments and standpoints, driven by reason rather than polemic.”

    Rendall (an American philosophy and chemistry graduate) states: “The real
    bias in American media is top to bottom. Our media is in favour of the top,
    that is the richest and those aligned with corporate interests, and against,
    in many cases, human and citizen interests.”


    Though I have recently seen university research that support Rendall’s
    observations (such as Geoffrey Nunberg’s investigation into some of MRC’s
    dubious claims), I have yet to see ANY high quality evidence supporting the
    converse and therefore have to presently conclude that Goldberg and the MRC
    are not to be trusted as regards the issue of media bias. To use an analogy
    – if the suggested bias was an illness in a patient, the view that there is
    conservative bias in the mass media has the support of university trained
    doctors and surgeons while the view that there is a liberal bias in the
    media has the support of the average barfly.

    However, if you think I have overlooked any such university research, please
    provide the specific university website addresses or bibliographical
    references (if citing papers or texts) so I can examine them and re-assess
    my thoughts.

    Best wishes,


    "They're locking them up today
    They're throwing away the key
    I wonder who it'll be tomorrow, YOU or ME?

    We're all normal and we want our freedom... freedom...

    They're locking them up today
    They're throwing away the key
    I wonder who it'll be tomorrow, YOU or ME?"

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